Gallery 2017
Gill Alexander (Miami Beach, FL USA), Lawn Chair, Marker on paper, 27"x15"
Paul Barton (Tumwater, WA USA), Lioness, Pastel, 12"x16"
Joesph Besch (Portland, OR USA), Brooke, Oil on linen panel, 20"x10"
Cathie Carroll (Portland, OR USA), What I Am With You, Pastel on paper, 22"x30"
Cathie Carroll (Portland, OR USA), Some Unreachable Corner, Pastel on paper, 22"x30"
Purchase Award
Patrick Deshaye (Hillsboro, OR USA), Figure Model Hiding Her Tattoo, Oil on wood panel, 14"x11"
Suzanne Fitzgerald (LES LUCS SUR BOULOGNE, Vendée France), The Shower, Woven tapestry, 26"x16"
Edi Franc (Kaaawa, HI USA), The Day I Lost My Head, Oil on canvas, 43"x65"
People's Choice and Award Show Recipient
Ghislaine Fremaux (Lubbock, TX USA), Loss (Marc), Pastel on paper, coated in epoxy resin, 92"x51"
Jay Giliberty (Portland, OR USA), Liesa 2014, Oil on canvas, 20"x16"
Jay Giliberty (Portland, OR USA), Melissa 2016, Oil on canvas, 20"x16"
Matthew Glover (Houston, TX USA), Sarah Bracing, Hand knitted tapestry, 45"x35"
Brad Gooch (Portland, OR USA), After the Burn, Oil on canvas, 18"x26"
Sebastian Hyde (Oakland, CA USA), Standing Woman, Oil on linen, 54"x24"
Thomas C. Jackson (Cedar Rapids, IA USA), Man 2016 4, Ink on paper, signed in pencil, 26"x19"
Thomas C. Jackson (Cedar Rapids, IA USA), Suddenly Everything Began to Spin, Ink and watercolor on paper, signed in pencil, 26"x19"
John Kayrouz (Durham, NC USA), Sad Arms, Oil on wood panel, 20"x16"
Beth Kehoe (Lake Forest Park, WA USA), Woman in the Pool, Oil on canvas, 36"x60"
Elizabeth Kendall (Berkeley, CA USA), Jordan, Odalisque, Gouache on paper, 15"x22"
Elizabeth Kendall (Berkeley, CA USA), Two Alexes, Gouache on paper, 22"x15"
Patrick Kernan (Portland, OR USA), Annette, 1.20.15, Pastel, pencil and watercolor, 21"x14"
Joe Lastomirsky (Portland, OR USA), Untitled With Anonymous Nude Sitting in Water, Latex and oil on canvas, 24"x30"
Joe Lastomirsky (Portland, OR USA), Untitled With Anonymous Floating Nude, Acrylic and oil, 18"x24"
Mary Lepingwell (Grapeview, WA USA), MJ with Tinkerbell, Pastel, 9"x12"
Monica Lisette-Sanchez (Lake Forest Park, WA USA), The Chairs, Mixed media, 32"x16"
Monica Lisette-Sanchez (Lake Forest Park, WA USA), Dragon Scales, Mixed media, 24.5"x31.5"
Harold Lohner (Phoenix, AZ USA), Pool 3, Monoprint, 22"x30"
Lawrence Mannato (Gorham, NY USA), The Sign: When My Life Was Ebbing Away, Then I Remembered, Charcoal on paper, 29"x24"
Jason Mayer (Vancouver,WA USA), Traffic 2, Oil monotype, 25"x19"
Helen Oh (Chicago, IL USA), Felicia Exiting, Charcoal and graphite, 38"x28"
Mabrie Ormes (Ashland, OR USA), Toweling the Back I, Paint, 24"x36"
Award Show Recipient
Henk Pander (Portland, OR USA), The Letter, Oil on linen, 54"x64"
Award Show Recipient
Henk Pander (Portland, OR USA), What's Left?, Oil on linen, 60"x68"
First Place and Award Show Recipient
Henk Pander (Portland, OR USA), Woman With Tiger, Oil on linen, 57"x81"
Robert Paulmenn (Astoria, OR USA), Reclining Nude, Oil, 24"x36"
Rachel Petrovich (West Linn, Oregon USA), Ivan on Green Couch with Nude, Acrylic, 24"x30"
Jason Pitzl (Eugene, OR USA), Gerald Curled Up, OIl pastel on paper, 14"x17"
Jason PItzl (Eugene, OR USA), Hannah Seated, Oil pastel on paper, 17"x14"
Nick Rezetar (Milan, MI USA), Transitus, Charcoal, enamel and pastel on paper, 40"x28"
Second Place
NIck Reszetar (Milan, MI USA), Excepatum, Charcoal and gesso on paper, 40"x28"
Sohail Shehada (Norman, OK USA), Adam, Oil , 72"x18"
Chris Sheridan (Seattle, WA USA), White Specter: Life,Death, and Awakening, OIl on canvas, 56"x34"
Stephanie Sileo (North Branford, CT USA), Humanoid 8, Woodcut collage, 30"x22"
Stephanie Sileo (North Branford, CT USA), Humanoid 12, Woodcut collage, 30"x22"
Third Place
Stephanie Sileo (North Branford, CT USA), Humanoid 5, Woodcut collage, 30"x22"
Gregory Siler (Raleigh, NC USA), Apollonian Light, Oil and powdered graphite on canvas, 30"x22"
Gregory Siler (Raleigh ,NC USA), In the Sun, Oil on canvas, 30"x35"
Mike Southern (Portland, OR USA), Burn, OIl on paper, 29"x45"
Purchase Award
Margaret van Patten (Portland, OR USA), Refuge, Intaglio etching, 14"x16"
Roger Walkup (Baltimore, MD USA), Birch Sketch #4 , Woodcut print, 6"x4"
Roger Walkup (Baltimore, MD USA), Cherry Sketch #2, Woodcut print, 8"x6"
Eric Wallis (Logan, UT USA), Nude Man, Oil on canvas, 16"x11"