Gallery 2025
Paul Barton, Stoner, Pastel, 26" x 13" x 0"
Ernesto Beckford, Smallpox Blankets, Mixed Media, 10" x 8.5" x 0.5"
Joseph Besch, Amy, Oil on linen, 24" x 12" x 1"
Lindsay Breidenthal, Lake Linoleum, Oil, acrylic on canvas, 30" x 24" x 1.5"
Valerie Boyd, Seasons Series: Summer -Swimmer, Oil on Canvas, 20" x 16" x .75"
Christa Brandenburg, Four Bathers Get Up, Oil on linen, 30" X 24" X 1"
Marc Chicoine, Valkyrie, Charcoal and Melted Wax on Paper, 18" x 24" x .3"
Robert Creighton, Time Heals, Mixed intaglio, 12" x 10.5" x 0"
Patrick Deshaye, Laura Semireclined on Blue, Oil on Masonite Panel, 14" x 11" x 0.25"
David Dyche, Bren #3, Pastel and pencil, 17" x 14" x 1"
Richard Ferguson, Still life and figure, Oil on canvas, 48" x 44" x 1.5"
Jay Giliberty, Hand on Thigh, Oil on Canvas, 16" x 20" x 1"
Bryan Hobein, Daniel, Watercolor, 12" x 9" x 0"
Tom Jensen, Over The San Juans, Oil mediums on Canvas, 36" x 48" x 2"
Beth Kehoe, Passages, Oil on Canvas, 40" x 36" x 1"
Patrick Kernan, Angie: Inner Strength, Watercolor and conté pencil, 22" x 14" x 0"
Dan Kirchhefer, Abbi: Double Portrait Watercolor, gouache, pastel, pencil, 5" x 3.5" x 0"
Juris Krievins, Blocked, Acrylic on canvas, 18" x 14" x 1.5"
Juris Krievins, Missing the forest for the tree, Acrylic on canvas, 36" x 24" x 1.5"
Jess LaPrade, Here I Am, Oil, 14" x 11" x 0"
Joe Lastomirsky, Untitled #19, Acrylic, oil and wax, 36" x 24" x 1.5"
Phil Mancill, Country Stove, Oil on Linen, 24" x 18" x 3"
Jeffery Mathison, Hey Siri, Where's Adam?, Watercolor, 20" x 14" x 0"
Roger McKay, Mermaid, Oil, 28" x 20" x 1"
Will Mitchell, Gaea, Watercolor on paper, 14" x 9.5" x .5"
Yasmina Nysten, Anasyrma, Pastel and oil on Canvas, 70" x 29" x 2"
Arnold Pander, Public Space, Oil On Canvas, 36" x 24" x 1.5"
Joseph Pearson, In the Shadows, Charcoal, 24" x 18" x 0"
Benjamin Rosenberg, Boredom, Charcoal and wash on paper, 18" x 24" x 0"
Steven Rushefsky, Todd 12-20-2023 Triple, Reed Pen & Ink and acrylic ink wash on paper, 14" x 17" x 0"
Roy Sanchez, Figure 7z, Watercolor and ink, 15" x 11" x 1"
Karen Strand, Shadow Thoughts, Oil on synthetic paper, 24" x 20" x 1.5"
Jerry Svoboda, Rodney, Acrylic on panel, 20" x 30" x 1.5"
Laura Tveit, Torched, Oil painting, 8" x 8" x .25 cm
Blaine Verley, Gaza, Oil on paper, 36" x 25.5" x 0"
Nanette Wallace, Origin, Monotype, 24" x 30" x 1"
Nanette Wallace, Playa Float, Monotype, 20" x 16" x 1"
William Webster, Seated figure, Watercolor, 22" x 18" x 1"
William Webster, Untitled, Graphite on colored paper, 24" x 24" x 1"
Carrie Williams, Strongman, Oil on Panel, 12" x 9" x .25"
James Wilson, Motion Capture 13, Color Pencil and Watercolor, 15" x 11" x 0"
Phyllis Yes, Dusty Making The Bed, Acrylic, 4’ x 3’ x 1.5"
David Winters, Girl Stretching, Mixed media/oil on canvas, 18" x 16" x 1"
John Worthey, Figure with Viewer, Oil on Board, 26" x 32" x 1"