Torched, Oil painting, 8" x 8" x .25 cm A painting of lighting the way through trauma to recovery.
As a legally blind, autistic, and trauma-informed artist, my work is deeply informed by my lived experiences, including overcoming eating disorders, mental health challenges, and CPTSD. My creative process reflects my journey of recovery, resilience, and healing. I primarily work with recycled materials and oil paints. The series I propose, titled Leaning into the Light, delves into the complex interplay between light, shadow, survival, and personal transformation. Through my work, I aim to explore the symbolic role of light in both personal healing and the wider human experience. I believe at the core of the human experience is connection and that each of of us no matter what lived experience we have can connect with we are all people who’ve experienced feeling, including hurt and resilience and growth and grief and healing in our own ways.